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The Transitioning Warrior Logo

Veteran Coaching

Transitioning out of the military comes with unique challenges and changes. 


I've been there. 


I can help you thrive in your new chapter of life.

Female veteran standing infront of window putting uniform jacket over a chair.

Any transition can be tough. Transitioning out of a culture, to which we have dedicated a portion of our life, can be exceptionally strenuous. Many people have described it as a feeling of loss...loss of value, loss of purpose, and loss of identity. The struggle is even more difficult when we are unsure how to navigate this new world. The question that always comes up is, "Why is it so hard?".

The first answer is often, "Civilians do not understand us and what we have been through." Although there is truth in this, there is an additional reason.

We are not in touch with our core selves...our instincts.

Veteran Coaching... with a twist.

Camoflage backpack and legs of veteran standing beside the bag

Did you know...

...transition stress is real?

...after leaving service, many Veterans experience worsening health and well-being over time?

...low depression, high social support, high and psychological resilience are predictors of well-being after transition?

...2022 research showed 15.1% of Veterans reported suicidal ideation within the first year of separation?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.

Lacking a deep connection with ourselves often leads to a lack of trust in our own instincts. As a result, many individuals choose to play it safe when transitioning, opting for familiar paths. These individuals can be observed leaving their military uniform behind only to step into a civilian job that resembles their previous occupation, often staying in this comfort zone for the next couple of decades. While security and familiarity become their priorities, true fulfillment takes a backseat. Personally, being unfullilled is not how I want to spend my post-military years.  So, if we find ourselves feeling lost and lacking trust in our ability to navigate this new unfamiliar world, the question arises: How do we move forward? I'm glad you asked.

We begin by taking off the many layers we have built up over the years. We open up and clean out some of the boxes we have filled up. As we clear the clutter we are able to connect to our inner selves. This allows us to trust our instincts, even when they may not make complete sense at the moment.​

Once we have built this trust, then it is time to move forward with helping you develop your vision and find your path to fulfilling that vision. ​

Leaving the military is not an end, it is the beginning of new adventures. Let's talk! Scroll down to send an email to set up a free consultation appointment. 

Donna Hoffmeyer, owner R.E.B.el LLC

Veteran coaching is something I started doing organically.  I had people in my own life who helped trust my instincts and grow. 

I'd love to share what I have learned to help you move your life forward!

I'm a veteran. 

I struggled. You don't have to.

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